More Than Just Being Too Proud

By Maureen Pranghofer



Numbers 19:11 NLT

1 All those who touch a dead human body will be ceremonially unclean for seven days. 


The Bible is the Word of God, His truth, yet there are so many things I’ve learned as I’ve read that show that what I’ve heard in a sermon along the way is not quite correct.

Take the story of the good Smaritan, for example. I’ve always heard that the priest and the Levite who walked by the guy laying naked and bloody on the road were too proud, too haughty, so don’tbe like that. But in reading the above verse I realized today that the text in the Good Samaritan says robbers fell upon the man and left him for dead. So when these holy men came from Jerusalem where they had put in their week of duty at the temple and were returning to their home in Jerico they were simply being obedient to the only Scripture they knew. They saw this guy on the road, thought he was dead and remembered they were not to touch a dead body.

For me, what this said in bold neon was before I write someone off and make assumptions about how they are maybe I’d better not make judgements and understand more of their true situation.

“Father God, help me not to jump to such quick conclusions about people but to go to You first so You can show me what is the truth of their situation, in Jesus name”