
By Maureen Pranghofer


Luke 5:9 NLT

9 For he was awestruck by the number of fish they had caught, as were the others with him


I love the way the NLT describes Peter when he realized that the number of fish they had caught was a huge amount of fish. Awestruck, not a word we hear very often.

Have you ever been awestruck?

I can think of one time when I found myself awestruck with amazing, speechlesswonder.

It was my first quarter in college, nearly 50 years ago. I was taking a class called the creative process. We explored many things which had to do about how we thought about things.

The assignment was to report on something that caused us to stop what we were doing in wonderment. I was thinking about what in the world I could report on as I walked back from class.

At the time I had no vision in my right eye and limited vision in my left eye. However, if the light was just right I could sometimes see objects very clearly. I heard a squirrel in the tree I was walking past on my way to my dorm. I turned my head toward the tree and for the first and only time in my life I saw the squirrel running up the tree.

I just stood there in wonder, it felt like a miracle seeing something I’d heard about but never seen. I was awestruck!

Father, thank You thank You thank You for creating this glorious world which is filled with Your presence that causes wonder at the enormity of Who You are and what You can do. Amen.